BLOB Application - Tablet Counting - Histogram Display

BLOB Application - Tablet Counting - Histogram Display

Accurate tablet counting is extremely important in pharmaceutical applications to ensure proper dosage to patients and to meet FDA regulations. Human error in tablet counting can lead to improper medication to patients, as well as expose drug companies to litigation and/or regulatory body penalties. The application here shows the use of blob analysis in providing 100% accuracy in counting tablets, as well as providing a capability to detect partial or broken tablets, based on object size.

The superimposed gray level histogram that is displayed here, along with the captured image of tablets to be analyzed, shows the capability of the tablet counting software to automatically find a gray level threshold that will separate the tablets from the background. The valley in the histogram is found by an adaptive algorithm and is used to automatically isolate the tablets. The threshold is indicated by the red vertical bar at 148 on the horizontal gray scale axis. This is the first step in the process.

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